• یکشنبه 5 اسفند 03

(Joseph(as) and Hussien(as


Oh dear brothers you’ll never understand the love of Hussein
Yet it is very simple dear brothers its so very plain


If Josephs father could cry to blindness for the loss of his son
How can you justify it as bid3aat when we cry for Hussein’s martyrdom
Did Jacob sin when he cried so excessively till he went blind
A Prophet was he, from Allah he was a sign,
Sin could he? no never not in Allahs perfect design
cry once just once for Hussein
oh brothers in these tears the aroma of heaven you shall find


  • جمعه
  • 26
  • آذر
  • 1389
  • ساعت
  • 9:44
  • نوشته شده توسط
  • Saeed Rezai

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